We stand with Refugees



I’ve spent the last few days, being back in Vegas, praying & thinking over what needs to be shared in this post. I’ve been working through fleshly anger & righteous anger, trying to seek discernment & understanding.


I want to share in all we did while working in the refugee camp & I also want to address the lies & truth that cover this situation because we (Josh & I) feel that we need to be a voice for the voiceless, to whoever will listen.


We arrived in London on January 19th and spent that entire day traveling to Dunkerque, France. Needless to say, that was an extremely long & tiring day.

We spent the next 8 days working inside the Grande Synthe refugee camp. During our team meetings in preparation for this trip, we stressed the need for a flexible, willing heart. Going into the camp, we had very little idea of what serving & ministry would look like. And each day at the camp was always a pleasant surprise as to what work we would be doing.

Small back -story: A handful of months before our team arrived in the camp, another Christian group came to serve. They would serve meals & leave Christian tracts inside for the refugees to read. Unfortunately this caused huge turmoil all through the camp. (I’ll explain the demographic/ religious affiliations of the camp in a moment…) So, it was by the grace of God that the camp officials, Aufugee, let us come at all. It was honestly a privilege to be given a chance to mend that “wound.”


The camp is inhabited by close to 1,600 Iraqui, Kurdish, Iranian, Afghani, Vietnamese, & Syrian refugees, both men, women & children. As you can see from the few pictures I shared, their living conditions are less than acceptable. The camp is “run” mainly by the Kurdish men, they make up almost 70% of the refugees. Kurdish people are nomadic. They claim that they are citizens of Kurdistan (a small territory in Northern Iraq, Iran, Syria & Turkey). The Kurds are very anti-religious, most of them being atheists. So we were not submerged in Muslim culture like I thought we would be. It was very interesting. Most have gone this route due to the pain religion has caused them.

The anger & wounding caused by the gospel tracts makes more sense in light of the religious beliefs of the people in the camp. This also made sharing Jesus, & the love & hope of the Gospel extremely difficult & at times, unsafe.


Like I said before, each day at the camp looked different than the day before. We cleaned, we cooked food, we chopped veggies & fruit, we chopped wood, we moved wood, we sat by the fire & talked to volunteers & refugees, we served tea & bread, we took prayer walks around the camp, we heard their stories.

Their stories were heartbreaking. Their journeys were horrific. They were hopeless & searching for answers. And all we could do was listen, lay their burdens at the foot of the Cross & declare God’s justice & love over their crisis.


In light of this, I want to share a few thoughts. And I do hope that this falls on willing ears to hear & hearts to understand. We can no longer afford to live in ignorance, leaving our opinions to be skewed by our one-sided media & agenda-filled Buzzfeed articles. I’m not going to get into the political side of this, because honestly, politics will never be the answer for this crisis. Jesus will. The Church will.


First thing. These are HUMAN BEINGS. They are people created in the image of God, loved & cared for deeply by our Savior. They are not just some abstract problem thousands of miles away. They are families being torn apart, fathers fleeing their countries & missing out on the birth of their children because they are being threatened to be killed, women becoming single mothers for an unforeseeable future, teenage boys being sent ahead to find safety for their families in neighboring countries that don’t want them. THIS IS THE TRUTH. This is the gravity of the situation.

Second. I want to speak firmly to the Christians for a moment. It is unacceptable for us to turn these people away. We are COMMANDED to care for the orphans, widows, the poor, hungry, needy & those seeking refuge. If you profess Jesus, but live in fear, then you are not reflecting the Jesus I know.

One of the members of our team, a 71 year-old woman, on fire for the Lord shared something & it completely wrecked my heart: Jesus loved all 12 of his disciples unconditionally, FULLY knowing that one day Judas would betray him.

Let that sink in for a minute.

2 Timothy 1:17 says, “For God gave us NOT a spirit of fear, but of power, love & a sound mind.” Our country is panic-stricken. Let us not be!! Let us be just like Jesus. Let us love these refugees. Let us take them in & show them hope & rest. Judas betrayed Jesus into the worst death a person could ever endure, but Jesus’ reaction was unconditional love & blessing till His final breath. We have no right to judge the motives of these people, to say what if they are this or that, because we have no right to judge the motives of our own neighbors. We lie, we mess up, we wrong people, and our motives aren’t always pure… Let us not forget that we are merely human beings as well.


This is where the rubber meets the road. This is where professing Jesus becomes more real than ever. You have a choice. You have a choice to live in fleshly fear, holding on to the lie that our government will protect us & that our security rests in the next 120 days of solidifying a vetting process or you have the choice to say that my safety is no more important than the safety of thousands of war-torn, hopeless, broken people & say I stand with the Refugees. Politics will never find a solution to this situation. The Church HAS to be the solution. The Church can no longer operate in timidity. The Church can no longer hide in the shadows. The Church can no longer say, “our nation’s leaders will take care of it…” NO. It is our responsibility.


Like I said, I am not going to tell you if I am republican or democrat, or tell you how I feel about President Trump & his decisions, because it doesn’t matter at all.

What matters is that we fight this crisis with the power, love & mind of Christ.

Jesus would take in every single refugee in a heart-beat. That’s the absolute truth. He doesn’t need a vetting process. We didn’t go through a vetting process to receive His love, mercy, forgiveness & refuge. And we are filthy sinners. (BLESS GOD!) So what gives us the right to evaluate others by our standards of “good enough?”
We have been immensely blessed. And we are called to all the nations to share in that blessing. How could we be ok in withholding hope & grace to other children of God?


Please know that our heart is aching for people to deeply understand this crisis. Our heart is to seek truth, to be a voice & reflect the heart of Jesus.

Josh and I are extremely thankful for the opportunity to serve in that camp; to see first hand the faces, hear the stories & take the Good News into a place of mourning & hopelessness.

So, thank you to those who read all of this. I do pray that what I wrote was surrounded in wisdom & Godly passion. My heart is not to condemn because I am writing from a place of conviction. And I do not wish to sound naive. I do know that people in the church have stepped up & fight on the side of justice.

Thank you for those who gave to us financially & prayed for us through this trip. We wouldn’t trade this experience for anything.

I know I hardly shared any stories, but there is just so much. If you want to hear more, text us, call us, email us… whatever! We would be so happy to share more!


Much love!

When He Speaks, He Moves


The Lord asked me this question about a month ago; “do you believe that when I speak, that I will move?”

Basically, did I have the faith to believe that His promises and His word were true?


On the day I heard Him whisper this, I think my answer was, “Lord, I don’t think I can honestly say yes…”

Though it wasn’t the answer I was hoping to give, it allowed a greater growth of trust in my heart over the next month.


In our last post, I briefly shared in our plans for the future. It is amazing how much can change in just a month!

Josh and I are extremely excited to share our plans for the next season!

Twice a week or so, Josh would check on church hiring websites to find creative arts/ worship positions that were available. We mentioned that we were working with Slingshot, but nothing much came of that connection.

We ended up finding a lead through Church Staffing online. A church named Kensington Church, in Detroit, MI caught our attention. Larger churches look very put together from their well-done websites, but there was something about their mission statement & values that made us very excited to apply.

So we sent in our resumes and worship videos and waited.

We waited for one week and received a call from their head of HR. Josh had a wonderful conversation which led to a Skype interview a couple weeks later, finally leading to them flying us to Detroit to interview & lead a worship service.

It was a great weekend full of meeting amazing people, leading worship for an incredible campus, and days & nights covered in prayer and hopefulness. But we decided that no matter what, it was an honor and privilege to just spend a weekend with brothers and sisters of Christ that are passionately pursuing Jesus and the people of Detroit.

We officially found out about 3 weeks ago that Josh was being offered the job of Shelby Campus Worship Arts Director at their Shelby campus!! Josh will be full-time staff and I will be leading worship (full-time) alongside Josh and helping out at Kensington’s other campuses. As a wife, I am incredibly proud of my gifted & humble husband!


*About Kensington*


Kensington Church was established 26 years ago by 3 best friends (the Senior Pastors), Dave, Mark & Steve. Once functioning as a seeker-friendly church, it is now moving into a deeper movement of Worship and seeing every[one] transformed and mobilized by Jesus. Kensington is a church of 15,000 members, 7 campuses in Michigan, 1 campus planted in Orlando, 8 Global Partners, and a prominent presence in the suburbs of Detroit. Each campus has a Campus Pastor, Director & Worship Team. (This is an aspect that Josh & I love about this mega-church.)

For the next few weeks Josh & I will be tying up loose ends in Vegas, & of course, preparing to lead our team as we head to France to love on Refugees.
We are flying out to Detroit in 2 days to apartment hunt; praying that God opens up the exact place that He wants us to be living in!


So moving forward, we are asking for your prayers!

First, praying for favor & incredible ministry opportunities in France. Josh & I are very excited & hopeful about this trip. There are still unknowns about what type of ministry we will be allowed to do, so we are praying for flexible hearts in all things.

Second, Josh & I will be officially leaving Vegas February 5th. We will be driving across the country. So please pray for a peaceful, safe trip!

Thirdly, we are about to embark on some pretty huge life changes; new city, new job, new people, & a baby!! I firmly believe that God is bringing us into a season of blessing & I say that with an incredibly thankful & humbled heart. Please be praying for these transitions. These are all such good changes, but change is always challenging.

Lastly, please keep our marriage in our prayers! Again, in the midst of change, it can be hard to be intentional, patient & loving towards each other. (** No worries, we are doing very well!)


We will make sure to send an update while we are in France! After that, I would love to keep up with this blog, even though life will look different.


THANK YOU!! Thank you for staying updated with us. Thank you for praying. Thank you for financially supporting us. Thank you for believing in us. Thank you for trusting the Lord as we did. Thank you for being our support for the past year & a half. Thank you for joining in our life adventures. Thank you for loving us!


Josh & I cannot express how thankful & excited we are for what is ahead. We are undeserving & in awe of God’s provision & faithfulness!


Happy 2017 everyone!! Let’s do this!

~What’s Next~


HELLO NOVEMBER! You & your cooler weather are so welcome here in Vegas!


I want to make this post somewhat short & to the point. We wanted to let our supporters, friends & family know what is ahead for us for with our time left in Vegas, beyond Vegas & where we are financially.


Josh & I have been working with a church-consulting group called Slingshot for about a month now in hopes of connecting us with a church that would fit us & we fit them. We are still pursing a full-time worship leading position. So far the search is going well, a little slow, but with some promise! Josh & I feel very at peace about where we are at in this process. There have been a couple churches that we have talked with but the fit didn’t seem right, and there are a couple churches we are still hoping to continue to move forward with.

With that said, we will be leaving Vegas at the end of January/ beginning of February. We sensed the Lord speaking of moving us in February & so far everything is lining up for that to happen.

**Back to Vegas**

We do have some exciting news to share about an upcoming event for Grace City. Josh & I will be leading a mission trip to Dunkirk, France to work with Refugees- January 18-30th! The Lord laid this issue on our hearts months ago & He has made a way, put together a team, & given us support from the church body for us to go!

(If you would like more details about the trip, I would love to share!)

Now to the nitty-gritty stuff…


We will be ending our need for financial support after our trip to France. We are very hopeful, and praying in faith that we will have a job lined up for us to move to at that time! But for the next 2 & half months we need to raise $5,000 to cover living expenses & to help us pay for our trip overseas. (about $3,000 for France & $2,000 living for the next couple months)…

We see this trip as our last little ”hoorah” with our church– one last way we can bless Grace City with our time here. And we are asking for you to come along side of us with one last push financially to finish this season out strong!


It is a bit surreal typing that we will be leaving Vegas so soon. This season may have been one of the hardest I have ever been through but it’s also been a season I will never regret & will look back on and thank the Lord for His goodness, faithfulness, & steadfastness.


We will continue to keep you all up to date with future job decisions. Please be praying that the Lord opens & closes doors as He sees fit. As we have said before, our foremost desire is to be within the will of God & to hear Him clearly. And we are choosing to believe that when He speaks, He will move.


We love each of you & we are always SO thankful for your prayers & constant support. As I am typing this I am so overwhelmed to think about how loved we are.


Josh & I will be pushing some support via Facebook & calling friends and family for one- time gifts to help us get through the last of our time here.

Please feel free to call, text, message us, or email us if you feel it on your heart to give to us financially!


Again, THANK YOU… from the bottom of our hearts. ❤

Even in the Small Things

**I want to preface this post by saying that as I tell this story, it is by no means meant to make anyone feel guilty or feel that they need to support us financially.**


So I think sometimes we are tempted to only pray for big things, big decisions, through big changes, and big desires. Obviously these are perfect situations to be praying. But I think we forget how practical our God is.

My dear friend, whom I referenced in my last post, has taught me something super crucial in my walk with the Lord. She has helped me realize just how “everyday” God is. When small victories happen, or say we read a verse about the character of God, or we somehow have a free coffee for Starbucks on our app… She is always so quick to say, “Bless God, thank you Lord!!” And that has rubbed off on me. Because God IS that good; that He would be all He says He is, that He would bless us with a free gift, or allow us a victorious day in hard ministry areas.

Because for real! BLESS GOD; for His absolute goodness in our day in-day out schedules.

To today’s story:

A little background… Josh & I are extremely tight on money right now. We are praying for the big things, like rent, bills, etc, to get paid. But we decided to try out Whole30. We aren’t ones to jump on diet fads, nor are we trying to restrict ourselves but rather try to set up some healthier habits. I love all things bread, so I will most definitely be putting bread back in my diet after these 30 days! Haha Obviously God is good, because He made bread.

Anyways… I went to the store today with a strict budget of what I was able to spend on getting food to prepare for the next 30 days. The cool thing is God knew my budget too. And most people know that anything semi-healthy for you is always more expensive. Dumb.

Insert first “God cares about the small things” moment:

As I went over to the produce sections I came to see that SO many of the items I needed to buy were on sale!! Now produce is usually fairly inexpensive, but I needed to buy quite a bit of it. I even feel like He gave me discernment of what to buy now & what to save for a later date.

Insert second “God cares about the small things” moment:

I had $77 to spend. I had a lot to buy. I’m not good at estimated math in my head. I always forget about tax & tend to round down with high hopes of a miracle. All things stacked against me. Even Josh told me that trying to buy a substantial amount of groceries with just $77 would be quite difficult.

I get into the check out line & my friend goes before me with all her groceries. Her total was very reasonable. And so I decide that I am going to pray over my cart of groceries and ask that the Lord would allow me to stay within my budget & honor Josh’s wishes as well. ** I shop at Smith’s which is Kroger for Vegas. So with that we have a rewards card.** My total came up to $55 & some change. My savings were $11. Not only did I stay under budget but I have some to spare. I was even hopeful that I would have some money left over because I needed to go to Costco for a few other items.

How amazing! Some may think I am crazy for praying over inanimate objects! Pshh!!

BLESS GOD, thank you Lord!! He is never lacking. He is never lacking in His goodness, in His grace, or His provision.

Grocery store shopping is a small thing. BUT He cares! He cares more than we give Him credit for.

I want this to be an encouragement. I want it to challenge us to see God as our friend who walks through the smallest of details with us. I want to be one who continues says, “Bless God, thank you Lord” when days seem so “everyday.” And I want you to know that God does honor our desires. When we are seeking excellence or something that, even in the smallest way, glorifies God, His desire is to bless us.


We can cling to the promise that the Lord is all that He says He is.

So allow Him into the small things, the small –seemingly worthless- victories.

I can’t say it enough… He cares. Deeply.


With Love,





For the first part of this post I just want to take up some space with thanking family, friends & Jesus for so much!

I’m incredibly thankful for our immediate families; thankful that Josh and I have been blessed with amazing parents. There were times when we literally wouldn’t have been able to be here if not for them. We are thankful for our extended families; for those that have partnered with us in prayer & in finances. Our friends have been lifelines of encouragement. We are blessed to be surrounded by people who speak truth into our lives & on the hard days, bring us joy and laughter! We are thankful for our church family in Indy. We feel so loved, so honored & cared for by you all. It has been a privilege being sent out by a congregation believing that Jesus is moving. Josh and I cannot stress enough how thankful we are for the support we have had this year.

Most importantly, I thank the Lord. Lord I thank you for who you are. You have done so much, but the majesty of who you are makes serving worth it. Thank you for providing for our physical needs, spiritual needs and emotional needs. Thank you for loving us so deeply & giving us the opportunity to seek more of you daily. You have been with Josh and I day in & day out. When ministry was hard, You were faithful. When discouragement set in, You were comfort. When we were weak, You were victoriously strong. Thank you Lord. Thank you for the promise and restoration of the Gospel. Thank you that we carry Your identity to the brokenness. Thank you that in this season, there was no lack in You.


Within the next few days we will have reached our committed time of 1 year in Vegas! The summer craziness has officially come to an end & Josh and I are transitioning into “fall mode.

Quickly, I want to share some statistics from this summer! Be mindful that these are just a handful of the stories that came from this summer.

  • 75 people made commitments to the Lord
  • 5 missing children (at risk of trafficking) were found due to our outreaches & prayers in highly trafficked areas of Vegas
  • 2 prostitutes (during our morning prayer) knocked on our doors and wanted to taken out of that lifestyle. They are now back home or in rehab!
  • Dozens of physical & emotional healing
  • Major prayer: We wanted to see prodigal sons come home, and the Lord brought them back this summer.

GUYS! Our God is on the move!! He is in Vegas, SIN CITY! He is taking people out of their brokenness & bringing them into light. One of the coolest parts about this summer was that myself and 2 other staff members got verses, or a word or picture before the summer started that the Lord was going to pour out His favor on us this summer. He did, no question about it.

As my good friend Lia would say, ‘What a time to be alive!”

I blinked & our summer flew by! I have never been more tired or stretched in my leadership in my short life so far. I never pictured myself leading teams of high school students or pouring into the lives of college interns. I tell everyone, I’ll hang out with your 4 year old all day long! Haha

But the truth I held onto this summer is that the Lord doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called. I think this is something I heard often growing up. There have been many times in my life where I was placed in a situation of ministry where it seemed natural for me to be there. But I am so thankful that this summer was not one of those times. I needed Jesus. I needed Him so much everyday to give me strength, to give me patience, to give me compassion, to give me humility, to give me wisdom, to use me. This summer awoke an authority in Christ that I have never had before. It awoke a place of leadership that I had not yet stepped into. I felt alive in the midst of exhaustion. I was expectant when I couldn’t even imagine how much more the Lord had in store. The Lord taught me to trust and stand in awe & reverence as He worked. BLESS GOD!


I wrote in our last post about our plans for the upcoming months. Nothing has drastically changed. We are now in the process of seeking out “open doors” & churches looking for full time worship leaders. So we do ask that you would be praying for us in this process. We want to fully lean on God in all this.

Josh and I will be home in 5 days! And we have the wonderful privilege of leading worship on the 21st at CCG!

To our supporters, we ask that you would mark your calendar for that Sunday (Aug. 21st)! Josh and I will be providing lunch right after church in the upper room, giving an update and just getting time to see as many people as we can! We would love if you could all be there for a short time!

We are still in the midst of raising more support & there is a great need for finances to come in! If this is something you would like to continue supporting or start partnering in this with us, we are SO grateful.


We are so excited that we will be coming home so soon! We love you all immensely. Thank you for going on this adventure with Josh and I this year. You have invested your prayers and money into an incredible church and mission field. Our God is faithful. Our God’s heart is so big.


With Love,


Coming Up on a Year



Oh my goodness, it’s been 2 months already since I’ve last updated!

I am hoping that alot of you have received our latest support letter but I want to type out an update & a more detailed post about how we are doing!

Josh and I are in full swing for the summer. I literally feel like it was just June 1st last week but it’s almost July. Sometimes it feels like we have been here for 6 years but other times it feels like time has flown by us. Our spring was great. We had an amazing opportunity to see Bethel Music in concert in LA & take part in their conference. I would love to live in a constant state of a “Bethel Conference,“ but our team felt so refreshed coming back to Vegas and gearing up for the summer ahead. It really could not have been better timing. I think the most beautiful thing about it was: 1. I was poured into. I cannot stress how important this concept is in full-time ministry. I was literally soaking up every session we went to. Sometimes my brain was on overload but it felt so good to be learning & experiencing a deeper level of healing in my heart. & 2. It was not just an emotional-high-experience. Yes, there were definitely mountain top moments, but I prayed specifically that I would encounter God just how He wanted to encounter me that weekend. I love that we serve a Father that is a good shepherd, & protects our hearts.

So in a few short words, that weekend was life-giving, growing, healing & great for Josh & I both.

The week we got back from LA our summer long interns started arriving and enter, Burn Week. We worship twice a day morning & night for 5 days straight. Within the worship times, there is a small message & prayer times. Josh & I led worship once a day, every day. It was an incredibly fruitful, tiring, but fulfilling week. Josh and I lead worship a lot. And one thing I am coming to learn is that sometimes you just don’t feel like it. It takes so much emotion & energy to help lead a group of people into the Throne Room. Some days I just feel dry. Some days I’m just really tired. Some days I’m down & out. But the beauty is, worshipping from those places requires an offering on my part. It requires me to say, “Yes Lord, you alone are worth it.” I know this truth has greatly changed how I enter into worship. How I feel that day doesn’t define the goodness of an Almighty God that deserves it all.

The week after Burn Week was a week full of training our 23 interns for what this summer would hold. I honestly think that Vegas came as a shock to some of them. And by that I mean, Vegas is hard. It’s hard on your mind, your emotions, your heart, your ministry, your marriage, and your relationships.

I want to take a second & have a heart-to-heart. I tell people that Vegas has been one of the best things that Josh & I could’ve ever done in our first year of marriage. Grace City has been a beautiful example of family to us. And I have never experienced the faithfulness of God in this capacity. But I do want to share, that I have struggled with disappointment. I prayed before coming out here a year ago that I wouldn’t have expectations, but to be expectant. But I honestly think that it led to quite a bit of heart break and a sense of loss. I had anger towards God. I was hurt. I went almost this entire year without “feeling” God. I’m basically 100% feeler. I feel situations & emotions when I enter into rooms. I’m just sensitive to that stuff. But I’m also so easily deceived by my feelings; ruled by them at times. And my dear mentor, Sarah, shared with me, sometimes it’s God grace and protection that we don’t feel Him. Woah. I have never thought of it like that. I just wanted the goose-bumps, the “mountain-top” feeling. I was placing God in a box that said I could only experience Him in ways that I had before. I was so wrong. But I had to face that disappointment & get real with God; to confess, and even ask for forgiveness for any bitterness I was harboring.

I’ve told a lot of the interns that I am in a season of absolute obedience. Now that may sound like, “duh! We are always supposed to do that..” But for me it’s different. For me that looks a lot more like being faithful in my ministry and believing without a doubt that He will work. It means that I live in His abiding presence rather than always striving for His manifest presence. It means remembering to serve out of a place of joy rather than a place of being driven. It means declaring that despite my feelings, HE IS GOOD, He is victorious & I serve & love from a place of victory. Obedience, I believe, is the safest place we can be. We are walking inside God’s will. We are close to His heart. We are in the most perfect place to receive His love & blessing. I know from experience that when I am just relying on my feelings, I’ve never felt that security.

So this year has not been all rainbows, and even knowing that we are being called to stay here for longer has been difficult for me to swallow at times. But with that to say, I wouldn’t take back anything that God has done this year.


We are 3 weeks into our summer teams! And so far our teams have been wonderful! Each team is very different, with different strengths & weaknesses but each sent here for a specific reason. We have seen 16 people come to know the Lord in just the past 2 weeks. An average of 300 people are coming to each block party. People are getting physically and emotionally healed left & right. The Lord is bringing Prodigal Sons home & answering prayers that we prayed months ago! COME ON! I am reading through Proverbs currently. And my favorite verse, my current life verse, is Proverbs 16: 15-16. It says, “In the light of a king’s face there is life, and his favor is like the clouds that bring the spring rain. How much better to get wisdom than gold! To get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver.” Seriously, what an incredible verse! In the light of our King’s face there is life, & His favor is so abundant. I firmly believe that this is truth He is speaking over us this summer.


There has been so much going on! I know I always tell you that I wish I could share it all with you. Maybe I should just have a GoPRo on my head at all times. Haha!


I will be coming home this Wednesday for a week! I am so beyond excited! I would love to see as many people as I can! Josh and I will both be coming back in August for about 2 weeks to visit & support raise. And if you have received our letter or we have called you, we just ask that you would pray and do as the Lord leads. We love each of you & thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your love and support this past year. We couldn’t be doing what we are doing without you & we wouldn’t have seen God work in the ways that He has.


God Bless & Happy 4th

–  Abbi ❤

Purely an Update


Hey all!! Once again time has flown right by… I mean where did February even go??

I hope that this post finds you all well!

As the title says, I purely want to give you an update on all that has happened this past month & part of this month!


Josh and I have been incredibly busy! But before all the craziness started we had the opportunity to get out of Vegas for a weekend & head north!

I finally got to show Josh the base I stayed at for 2 years when I did my training with YWAM. It was as beautiful as I remembered it! Everything was fresh, green, and wet! (Hahah) – stark contrast from what we see everyday!

The purpose of us going to Lakeside, Montana was to spend time in prayer over our future. We made a year long commitment to Grace City, and though that year still has a bit to go, we wanted to give God the time & space to give us vision for what was next. And in due time we will share that with you all!

The weekend we spent in Montana was amazing. We stayed in a beautiful little apartment room on base, hiked for an afternoon in Glacier National Park, got to catch up with old YWAM friends, and spend ample amounts of time praying.

God was incredibly faithful with speaking clearly to us, providing unity between Josh and I, & giving us such an excitement for what is to come! We really could not have asked for a better time away.

I think we both came back feeling refreshed and at peace to tackle the next handful of crazy busy months. Praise the Lord!


Which leads me to March! It is absolutely stellar weather out here right now… I apologize to all of you in Indy reading this! Spring is in full swing (even our poor kitten is suffering from some allergies) & it’s been so good for the soul. I pray it comes quickly for you guys!

This month, my main job at Grace City, is in full force. This month we have 5 teams from across the nation coming to spend their spring breaks with us! We just completed our first week and overall it was a huge success!

Our first team was from Ashland University in Ohio. They were some of the sweetest students and leaders I have ever met. And the cool thing about this team, they didn’t know they were coming to Vegas until they got to the airport to leave! SURPRISE!

If I am being honest, sometimes I am skeptical of how a week-long missions trip can actually impact anyone or a city for that matter. I have been on them myself & never really knew if I had done any good after leaving. But this week God changed my heart. I saw these students giving all they had in worship everyday, serving when the serving wasn’t glamorous at all, and watched God empower each one of them to love Him more. I watched them step out of their comfort zones in ways that terrified them, and in that they shared the gospel with so many people who needed it desperately and showed the people of Las Vegas what unconditional love looks like. I saw God take a group of timid college students and light a burning fire in their hearts that they are going to take back to their campus! COME ON! God is so faithful! I was so blessed by this week & tomorrow we get a whole other batch!

One beautiful story from this week:

I was able to connect super well with a girl named… we will call her J for all intensive purposes… anyways! J is an incredible woman of God. She has a huge heart for people, loves the Lord, and was so hungry for more this week! On Thursday night we spent time in prayer and worship for about 2 hours. We call it their Commitment Service. This is where we challenge them via Luke 9, to discover what area in their life that they need to lay before God and commit to Him. This is definitely not an easy task when we as humans want control of every aspect of our lives. J had shared with me a little bit earlier in the week about what God had been speaking to her and on Thursday we dove right into it. God helped her find forgiveness for things in her past and for people who had hurt her. She was able to lay her anger and bitterness at the Cross and allow God to mend those parts of her heart! God began to rewrite her identity and she began to open up her heart to what unconditional love really looks like with a Heavenly Father.

It was such a privilege to hear her story, to connect so deeply with it, and to be there as an encouragement… to see God heal and restore my new friend!

J is going to be a world changer. She is strong, she is fierce, and she is full of compassion. I honestly cannot wait to see how she continues to grow in the months to come.

And this was only one story from this past week! And God did this all in a matter of 7 days. He challenged me. He challenged my doubt that anything could be accomplished in such a short amount of time. He exceeded any expectation I had!

And with that said, I may be super exhausted after just this one week, but I am SO looking forward to all God has in store for this week!


A couple other side notes before I turn it over to Josh!

We were so blessed to have our friends Mitch & Jake come visit us for a week! And Eli and Beth also came for a week! It’s always a breathe of fresh air when we have some of our favorite people here with us in Vegas! I definitely cried when they all left! Haha! But Josh and I soaked up every minute we got to hang out with them! So thank you Lord for good friends!

Another fun note: Josh and I celebrate 1 year of being married in 3 DAYS!! We both can’t believe it has already been a year, but then we also feel like its been a lot longer! So much has happened in just one year! Woah! We still have no idea what we are doing to celebrate though. And like we said 6 months ago, marriage is still one of the most challenging things, but it is so incredibly rewarding to see God mold 2 very different people into one working partnership. It has not been a year of bliss, but it has been a year of great adventure, many tears, amazing date nights, arguments, heartfelt discussions, lots of growing pains, discovering what ministry looks like together, and following hard after God. And I think it’s beautiful!


*Josh Writing*

I have a pretty big praise and prayer request! In the last month I have gained a new disciple! His name is Makai, a 13 year old boy. He actually prayed to accept Jesus at our Secret Santa event that we had in December! Ever since then he has been slowly but surely growing in his faith. He is seriously such a sweet kid but unfortunately has NO male influences in his life. He lives in a completely different world than I have ever experienced. It has been very humbling to walk through life with him. We meet about twice a week. The big praise is that I got to baptize him last week! We went through a class about salvation and baptism together and I think he really understood what he was doing! But I do ask to continue to pray for him. He already has turned around his grades in school but he still struggles in that area. He also could use a better living situation. We have gotten him some furniture but I was unaware until last week that he had been sleeping on the floor with a sleeping bag, among other things. So please lift him up in prayer, he is such a good kid and I have loved getting to know him.




Thank you all for your continued prayers & love! And thank you for reading this very long update!


Fresh Fragrance

Belated Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to each of you! I hope that your holidays were spent with loved ones and filled with the joy of our Savior.


We were so fortunate to have visited Indiana over Christmas. We are definitely not the most organized people, but we made an excel spreadsheet & planned out our handful of days & it was a success! (I highly recommend that to couples who live away from family… planning & spreading your time wisely is so helpful!)

Josh and I got the opportunity to lead worship at CCG again! And to our church family in Indy that reads this; it was so wonderful to worship with you all again!


On our Praise & Prayer tab, I believe I mentioned a Secret Santa party that I was in charge of organizing. Guys, it went amazing! I will be honest, at first I was discouraged. Gifts were not flowing in like I was hoping, people weren’t signing up to bring things, etc. My discouragement was premature because, or course, God had it all worked out. The gifts flowed in in abundance! Josh and I spent at least 4 hours wrapping over 70 gifts! YES GOD! (We now have the spiritual gift of wrapping. Haha!)

Our Secret Santa night included watching the movie Elf, eating and decorating so many cookies, crafts for the kids, a time of fellowship, and handing out gifts at the end of our evening. The night started off with only 3 kids… once again discouragement & insecurity began creeping into my heart. But Josh & I took a moment to pray and ask God to bring the right families to us that evening. He showed up! I really don’t know the exact number of kids we had that night, but each child was blessed with at least 3 gifts that they could open on Christmas day! It was beautiful; the thankfulness, the joy, and love.

Oh, and the best part – a young boy, maybe 11, gave his life to Christ that night! So even if we would have had 60 toys left over, Heaven was celebrating because of this young man’s faith and decision to love God. (He has been coming consistently to church since then, even when he has to come by himself. Praise the LORD!)

So thank you for your prayers! God worked and provided immensely. I was overjoyed!



*Josh writing!*


I do have one thing that we have been asking prayer for and that is our support! We were blown away by how much God showed up when we raised support this summer. But we have had a few hiccups since being out here that have made our finances a point of stress for us. Our car seems to be on its last days, we lost some monthly support, and when we put together how much support we would need I forgot to figure taxes into how much we needed. In all we are $200 a month away from being fully supported! Which is livable and we are making due but it makes the ends of the months pretty tight! I know talking finances is not a fun thing but it is something that I am realizing I need to trust God with more, and at this point in my life God is telling us to raise support so I have to continually let go of my pride and fear on the subject of money, so that is why I asked Abbi for a small chunk of this update to be able to write to you guys about how we are doing financially. If you feel led to support us please email Abbi or I to let us know because we don’t always get immediate notifications from our finance guy! Thank you guys so much for being amazing support for the both of us!


*Back to Abbi!*


I don’t want to make this next part about how I don’t do resolutions because “I’m too hipster to do what everyone else does…” blah blah…

I love new years! I do believe that resolutions can be too lofty at times, but each person sees it differently. So I encourage you to keep motivated!

Newness is good. It’s biblical. Heck, we get the opportunity to be ‘born-again’. God prunes us. He clears out our dirty laundry, develops our character, and brings refreshment into our lives. So new beginnings are beautiful times to reevaluate, give yourself grace, and try again!


I want to share with you some goals that I have. I am going to try to do it month by month. My goals in January may look different than my goals next month. Other goals are ones that I would love to spread out across this year – goals that I want to ultimately become lifelong habits.



  • Finish, When Heaven Invades Earth & complete the devotional – I am a terribly slow reader. I find it hard to keep my attention while reading. But thankfully this book is wrecking my heart & mind and I can’t seem to stop reading it! **I highly recommend this book if you want to be majorly challenged in your faith.
  • Begin another book – not sure which one yet, but reading is so important!
  • Staying caught up on my “Bible-in-a-year” reading – Josh and I & our roommates are all reading through the Bible this year. Great accountability & a great challenge, so I want to stay caught up each day on my Bible app for this month!
  • I want my afternoons (after office work time) to be dedicated to Starbucks-reading time! I love reading at coffee houses! (What white-girl doesn’t??)

These are my 4 January goals. They seem attainable, yet will need a certain amount of discipline to accomplish them!


2016 – Hopeful lifetime habits:


  • 1 evening dedicated to painting/ dancing/ journaling – these are specific ways that I feel I can connect deeply with God. I need them in my daily life.
  • Listen to a Bethel sermon (or a podcast) once a week – Getting different teachings & perspectives on things is helpful for forming your own opinions and helps me, personally, understand God’s word better.
  • Work out 3-4 times a week – yes, this is just one of those things. I have been boxing with Josh at a boxing gym & I love it. I actually look forward to my work -outs!
  • Prayer – There are 2 things that I hope to make habit. I want to pray together with Josh each night before going to bed. I think it’s important to end the night unified even if the day may not have been. I want to establish a time for my own personal prayer time. This is probably my biggest area of weakness; sitting down and just praying. I find myself praying throughout the day, but I think we are told to spend time, one –on- one with God and create a prayer culture in our lives. “Intimacy is the main purpose of prayer. And it’s through relationship that God entrusts to us the secrets of His heart, that we might express them in prayer. ” – Bill Johnson
  • My last goal has something to do with Josh, but he currently doesn’t know what that is, so I won’t be spoiling the surprise on the Internet! But I was inspired by another book I am reading: The Excellent Wife. Ladies, wives, soon to be wives, this book is extremely eye-opening, pride crushing, and thought provoking. (I plan to change the face of Feminism with knowledge from this book in like 20 years! Mark my words!)


I could probably list like 10 other things that I should probably start doing, but it’s just important to start somewhere. I think the hesitation I have with resolutions is the fact that they are usually just a temporary ‘trial & error’ solution for our insecurities or high hopes that we might start to fit into our society.

Shoot, I would love to say I’m going to stop eating carbs & cut down on my ice-cream consumption because it really hurts my stomach. But I would be dying a slow-death if I even tried to do that. I love ice cream & bread! And that’s ok! Moderation is biblical. Self-control is biblical.

Give yourself goals that are lasting. Our time on this earth is much too short to be making resolutions that only lead to disappointment. What goal is going to make you a better husband or wife, a better student, a better mother or father, a goal that leads you into the greater calling God has on your life… not the resolution that gets you into a size 2 pant, or size small bikini, or gives you a butt that only Photoshop can really create, or that forces yourself to be crafty even though you love numbers & are gifted in other areas.


“God’s desire is for the believer to overflow with Himself, that we might “be filled with all the fullness of God.” (Eph. 3:19)” – (When Heaven Invades Earth)


I pray that you are filled with the fullness of who God is this year, this month, this week.


With Love,



Time Flies

*Pictures from Red Rock Canyon hiking trip*

Time not only flies when you’re having fun, but also when we stop & think that it is pretty much December! Sometimes it feels as if Josh and I just arrived in Vegas, other times it seems like we’ve been here over a year! Either way, we are still loving our time here.

The month of November seemed to slip right out of my fingers, so I do apologize (again) for not updating our blog this past month.


A few highlights:

  1. At the beginning of the month we took a camping trip to Death Valley in Cali. It was all of 88 degrees, sunny and lived up to its name! But what it was lacking in decent temperatures it made up with beautiful mountain ranges and more stars than I’ve seen since I was a kid in Colorado. We went sand dune climbing/ running the evening we got there; just before the moon came out. In Vegas we have so much light pollution, but Death Valley is a designated Dark Spot. There were stars for miles, shooting stars, and the Milky Way was clear as day. My heart was so, so happy! I was so thankful for such beauty and even more amazed that we serve a God that created that beauty.
  2. Grace City Church turned 3 years old this past month!! We had a huge celebration in service, incredible worship (that I was privileged to be a part of), and baptisms! God is so good!!
  3. Our Thanksgiving was also a major highlight of our month. So our church has 2 “campuses,” one called Silverado and then Flamingo (which is where I spend most of my afternoons at our food bank…). We had an awesome opportunity to serve our Flamingo family a HUGE meal! It was a wonderful sight! It was so good seeing our two congregations interact with each other and share in love and kindness. After lunch there is an annual Turkey Bowl: all-american flag football game! This girl hasn’t sprinted that much since my high school days in ultimate frisbee. To say the least, I am still quite sore! But it was a blast! That evening we stuffed our faces again with 2 other Indiana couples; Sarah & Greg, and Chris & Katherine. It was delightful!

We are so blessed to be surrounded by such a wonderful group of friends that we consider family. We were so fortunate to be able to spend Thanksgiving feeling so loved even miles away from family.


Josh and I are still working a ton! I don’t have anything too exciting to share with that. I feel like we are both learning so much! Just like with any job, there are certain things that are hard and irritating, but in general it’s awesome to think that a bunch of adventurous, big-dreamed 20-year-olds are running a church! Nowhere else would we get such an amazing opportunity. (Our senior pastor is a saint! And the Lord is VERY gracious with us!)

I wish each of you had to opportunity to come out and visit; to be able to experience the vast differences of Vegas and see Grace City in action!


I think the biggest thing I am currently learning, along with like a billion other things, is the balance between being disciplined in spending time with God, ie. reading from the Word, praying, reading other books, etc, and finding the ways I personally connect with God, ie. painting, journaling, worship, dancing. Time is SO valuable here in Vegas. If you aren’t careful it’s easy to say “yes” to way too many things and free-time becomes non-existent. I feel like God has been very patient and gracious with me as I am figuring this out. There is a beautiful balance (though balance isn’t really biblical…) between serving others, loving others well, and loving God is all your heart, soul, mind and strength. That is the first and most important commandment. And I honestly tend to overlook that, and just focus on serving and doing, which is incredibly selfish of me. I try to do these things out of my own strength, with my own thoughts, and emotions. But it is incomparable to what I can do within submission to God. And the beautiful thing about this is, it doesn’t make us lazy or uncaring… It makes us full, overflowing in love, and able to care properly.

(I actually took today off from the offices to be able to update, read, and play a little catch-up.)


I am incredibly thankful for what God is doing in this season with Josh and I. Thank you for your continued prayers and encouragement. Once again I wish I could share in every little detail, but I would get overwhelmed typing, and you would get bored reading! Haha!


Ps. Josh and I will be in Indy Dec. 18-25! We hope to see people at church! We are so excited to be able to come home and see family and friends!


Colossians 3: 14-17

“And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

With love!


Blessed: joyful, prosperous, to be admired


Let me start off by apologizing for the delay in posting. Time seemed to run away from me these past few weeks. They were definitely some of the busiest weeks Josh and I have had since arriving in Vegas. We had our LOVE VEGAS week – huge blessing – and a couple workweeks that were jam-packed.

I want to share about our LOVE VEGAS week for a minute. As I said in my last post, each day was some sort of specific outreach opportunity; a tangible way to love the community around us.

On Tuesday of that week, our City Group (small group) hung out at a local park and handed out popcorn to families and kids. We had great conversation with some people and even great conversation with people from another City Group from Grace City. Wednesday was our big park block party. During our parties there is popcorn and slushy stand, face painting, a food tent and then an invitation to commit your life to Christ. Can I please just tell you how faithful God was?? 480 people came and several people committed their lives to Christ! YES GOD! Even writing about it a couple weeks later, it makes my heart excited. God is doing great things in this city. Josh and I had a very unique experience/ opportunity to pray with a young homeless man we met a couple days prior on the street. He had been badly hurt in a fight and needed bandaged up and we were able to share God’s love with him. It was one of the most rewarding conversations I have had since being here. Then on Thursday, Josh helped lead worship at a women’s Refresher event held at a local church. It was a time for women in the community to relax, rewind, and soak in God’s presence. It seemed less like a time of serving for me, but a time to worship and thank God for all He had done in the week so far.

I wish I could share every detail of different conversations I have had with people, the encounters with Holy Spirit, lessons I’m learning, areas of immense growth. I am in such awe of God’s goodness and glory.

But I will share some blessings of these past weeks.

  1. Being able to minister to broken women at our Outreach Center
  2. Seeing the unwavering hope some of those women have in Christ… they understand His love in such a deep way
  3. Experiencing deeper aspects of the spiritual world – the war between the flesh and spirit
  4. Josh exceling in his job – pursuing Sunday excellence for God’s glory
  5. Growth and challenges of being a wife – what an awesome role we are given as women.
  6. God’s faithfulness and steadfastness even when my emotions are unstable
  7. Leading and growing -in my understanding of -worship
  8. Bible Study Fellowship – getting to refill and dig into the book of Revelation
  9. A designated night just for Josh and I – discovering just how important this is
  10. Learning how to invite Holy Spirit into each aspect of my life – learning to live in daily obedience

One last thing, I just want to say thank you again. Thank you for supporting Josh and I as we are here in Vegas. God is MOVING. The harvest is so ready. We are SO incredibly privileged and blessed to be a part of it. I just can’t say enough how good, how glorious, powerful and gracious our God is.

I hope each of you are feeling so blessed this week. I pray that God is pouring out His love in different areas of your life. I pray for peace and understanding for tough situations. I pray that God continues to use you, to work in and through you.

“Awake my soul to sing, with Your breath in me, I will worship…

Hallelujah, Hallelujah – You are making all things new.”

(Amanda Cook – Heroes)

God Bless!